miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2021

Incredible frogs

I would like to introduce you all into one of my favorite animals, frogs.

Frogs belong to the class of amphibians, more specifically to the group of anurans.The main characteristics of this group are the lack of tail, short and wide body and legs used to jump long distances.

Most frogs live in stagnant waters or low-speed currents 
such as rivers, ponds or temporary pools with humid weather.

Some people confuse toads with frogs, they think they are the same but there are some characteristics that make them different, such as the type of skin, toads have dry and rough skin and frogs have it smooth and wet.Frogs prefer to jump and toads to march and
they live in small tunnels in the ground.

Frogs normally eat whatever they find that can fit in their mouth
, like bugs (such as crickets), spiders, worms and even small fish or mice depending on the frog´s size.

Frogs usually live in small groups called an army, knot or colony. They stay together to protect each other and find food. When frogs are young they swim together like a type of school, just like fish do.

We cannot determine an specific height or weight to frogs in general as we can do with other animals, because there are a lot of different sizes and colors of frogs, from a tiny frog of the size of a nail to a giant frog of the size of a small dog.

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Incredible frogs

I would like to introduce you all into one of my favorite animals, frogs. Frogs belong to the class of amphibians, more specifically to the ...